The Foundation hosted another very successful breakfast trackside on 30 March with a full house of 270 guests.

We were privileged to welcome Formula One presenter and host of the BBC’s radio program, Racing Torque, Rosanna Tennant as our guest speaker. Rosanna leads F1’s coverage on race weekends, hosting the F1 Live pre- and post-race shows, as well as the Weekend Debrief on Sky Sports F1. In 2021, Rosanna led the F1 race commentary and became the first woman to call an F1 race start.
Aside from her work in Formula One, Rosanna is also a talented journalist, writing for numerous publications and contributing to motorsports broadcasts. She is known for her engaging interviews with drivers and team members, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the sport.
In conversation with our emcee, Pete Lazer (OW1995), Rosanna discussed how she became involved in Formula One and the challenges of being a female in a predominantly male environment. With her unique perspective, Rosanna provided some very entertaining insights into the world of motorsports.
She was joined by the outgoing CEO of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, Andrew Westacott (OW1982), who reflected on the enormous success of the event and how highly the Melbourne race is regarded internationally by the drivers and their respective teams. We were grateful that Andrew was able to join us during such a busy time.
The Chair of the Wesley College Foundation, Nicki Lefkovits (OW1990), thanked guests and Foundation sponsors for their ongoing support and highlighted the Foundation’s Annual Giving program with its focus on scholarships.
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