Peter Williams (OW1954) and Don Ord (OW1954) were close friends at Wesley in the 1950s, but life took them in different directions, and they eventually lost touch. Now in their 80s, both have led rich lives, each with a wealth of experiences and stories.

In June 2024, after seven decades, they were reunited through Prue Lowther, who upon learning of their school friendship, organised a reunion. Prue drove Peter to Mansfield where they were generously welcomed by Don and his wife Lyn into their home. Don greeted them at the door dressed in some of his old purple and gold school uniform and their faces lit up with smiles that bridged the years.
They shared memories long tucked away, reminiscing about 1954 Form 5b, a school trip to Magnetic Island Queensland, and the 1954 Fifth Crew. The photo of the rowing crew has hung proudly in Don’s home for all these years, with Peter as cox and Don as bow. As they flipped through Don’s photo albums, stories of their classmates and their happy days at Wesley flowed effortlessly.
This reunion was not just about reconnecting but also celebrating the passage of time and the enduring beauty of friendship. Peter and Don cherished their time together and look forward to another reunion in the future.
School mates forever!