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Budding Entrepreneurs at work

It was a cold and wet Melbourne afternoon but our Elsternwick Campus was buzzing with excitement as Year 5 and 6 students eagerly participated in the first ever Wesley College Market Day.
Through their Unit of Inquiry, ‘How we Organise Ourselves,’ students learnt about consumer wants and needs and what it takes to make a business succeed. Working in multi-aged teams with a budget of just $50, they brainstormed ideas for products and services they thought would appeal to customers within their school community.
Once their product ideas were finalised, the students came up with unique store names, logos and marketing strategies to attract the attention of customers and began the process of bringing their business to life. The result was a wide range of crafty creations and delicious treats, from stress balls, fridge magnets and pet rocks to cupcakes, homemade lemonade, hot chocolate and the over-whelming winner on the day despite the wintery weather, ice slushies!
Once the students returned the start-up money borrowed to kick-off their businesses, they learned they had raised $1,000 for the Royal Children’s Hospital. Congratulations to our budding entrepreneurs and to everyone involved in this fabulous project.