Celebrating the Class of 2022
Scoring a perfect ATAR of 99.95 is a remarkable achievement, and we warmly congratulate no less than five of our students - Madeleine Groves-Crawford, Andy Dai, Eva Fei, Oliver Nassau and Liam Quach - for their outstanding academic success. These young people completed their academic journey at school with the brightest of finishes, but of course every one of our Year 12s ran their own race and achieved their own personal bests.
Our Class of 2022 posted an impressive combined median ATAR of 84.10 across our VCE and IBDP cohorts; the state average was 70.33. A third of our students achieved an ATAR of 99 and above, and nearly two-thirds of our students achieved an ATAR of 80 and above, putting them in the top 20% in Australia. For an open-entry school such as ours, that we continue to produce such strong results is truly a testament to the commitment of our students, the expertise and dedication of our teachers, and the unwavering support of our families.
Our results at a glance:
- 5 students gained the highest possible ATAR of 99.95
- 20 students achieved an ATAR of 99 or above, placing them in the top 1%
- 32.7% of students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above, placing them in the top 10%
- 61.7% of students achieved an ATAR of 80 or above, placing them in the top 20%
- 168 perfect subject scores in the IB DP
- 99% of students received a first round tertiary offer
That the Class of 2022 achieved what they did in the wake of the challenges and uncertainties of the lockdown years makes us especially proud. And many of our international students did it all while separated from family for extended periods.
We’re extremely proud of our top performing international students who have come so far since they entered the English Language Preparation Program (ELPP) in Middle School. Olivia Zhang (pictured), who has been accepted into Cambridge University to study economics, credits the ELPP with helping her with so much more than consolidating her English skills. ‘It helped me understand what to expect and removed barriers to my understanding once I joined the mainstream classes.’ Winnie Lao agrees. ‘Wesley encourages self-expression, participation, and teamwork. I wasn’t used to expressing my point of view, but with the encouragement and support of my teachers and peers, I learnt to do it.’
Success, of course, comes in many forms. Each member of the Class of 2022 forged their own version of personal achievement, often far removed - and far more significant - than any ATAR score. Edie Salamito, Wesmob Prefect, embraced the cocurricular program, getting involved in sport, debating, plays, musicals and choir. ‘I’ve really enjoyed those experiences and I’ve been able to find what calls my name. In my experience, it’s doing all those other things that makes school memorable.’
It was also important for Madeleine Groves-Crawford to experience everything Year 12 had to offer. In particular, she continued to play music, which is her passion. ‘My commitment to music is a large reason for my academic success, as it improved my time management, memory and efficiency and gave me a creative outlet.’
VCE Dux Patrick Leong (pictured) was also heavily involved in the performing arts program. ‘I would encourage the Class of 2023 to make the most of every opportunity, and to not sacrifice things that are important for the sake of academic results.’
Our Class of 2022 graduates are pursuing further study in a diverse range of fields, reflecting their wide range of interests and capabilities. 99% of students received a first round tertiary offer, with 55% accepting offers from the University of Melbourne and Monash University.
Their unique talents are already being recognised and celebrated in the wider community. Marlo Morton’s innovative solution to sustainability in the home, developed as part of his VCE Product Design and Technology project, has been selected for display at the Melbourne Museum in Top Designs 2023, and Henry Holmes has also had his short film Burt accepted into TopScreen as part of the VCE ‘Season of Excellence,’ which presents the top 16 VCE Unit 3/4 Media films from across the state.
Thea Coull (OW2022) has been signed to the University of Texas Rowing team. Thea was part of the winning Wesley girls first crew in 2022, and a member of the 2021 Under 19 Australian Rowing Team. Read more about Thea here or hear her speak about her time at Wesley in the video below.
The stories of the Class of 2022 highlight their commitment, passion, kindness, resilience and the joys they have experienced during their time at the College. We are excited to see what the future holds as they embark upon the next stage of their journey.
Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Mollie

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Jas

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Milly

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Silas

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Zoe

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Lucy and Thea

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Patrick

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Tianna

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Edie

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Lauren

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Luca

Celebrating the Class of 2022 - Chloe and Will