The Wesley Girls Firsts’ tennis team have broken all records, winning the preeminent APS sport premiership for the fourth year in a row, their fifth premiership in six seasons.
‘This is a remarkable achievement that has resulted from years of training and countless hours working together to create a culture that’s not about winning, but about showing up every day and giving your best for yourself, your team and your school,’ said Lauren Breadmore (OW2001), Head of Wesley Tennis and CEO of XSOAR Perform who have provided professional coaching to Wesley tennis for the past seven years.
‘Tennis is equally physically and mentally challenging. It requires good movement and footwork, concentration, patience as well as tactical knowledge and experience,’ explains Vice-Captain, Phoebe. ‘But it’s the skills the team have learnt off-the-court that’s been the secret of our success.’

Madelyn (Year 12) has been part of all five premiership teams, but clearly remembers her first experience with Wesley Tennis. ‘Tennis was the main reason I came to Wesley in Year 7, as I knew they had great coaches and a great team. When I started, I immediately noticed that Wesley was different, because the focus from the coaches was not on how well we played, but on team comradery and the support we showed one another. We held each other accountable for our tennis and we cared.’

But her fondest memory of her time with Wesley tennis will always be her final match. ‘It was the moment I realised that all the amazing moments I have had were coming to an end. However, it wasn’t sad, because I knew that I would always have these great memories and friendships. It's been an honour to be part of such a talented team.’
For Captain Olivia, and Vice-Captain Phoebe, it’s been a privilege to guide and support their teammates both on and off the court. ‘The ROAR sports framework helped us to set goals as a team, both collectively and as individuals, and identify the values that were important to us, like respecting our opposition and making new recruits feel welcome,’ said Phoebe.
‘Being captain of the team will be one of the most precious memories of my time at Wesley, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to lead such a dedicated group of players,’ said Olivia. ‘I have no doubt this group of girls will continue to wear the purple and gold with pride and win many more premierships over the years to come.’