One of the wonderful things about learning a foreign language is what you can learn about other cultures. Four Year 11 students, Richard, Clara, Charlotte and Charlie along with the Language Acquisition Faculty organised a Languages Trivia event for the Year 9 students at Glen Waverley Campus to test what students had learnt through the Wesley College language acquisition program.

Students competed to answer questions about the language and culture of Chinese, Japanese, French, German and Spanish-speaking countries, with extra questions about Australian history and culture thrown in for our EAL and English Language Preparation Program (ELPP) students. Competitors travelled around the globe, learning about history, geography, food, science, sport, arts, popular culture and language.

Emilie Layral, Head of the Language Acquisition faculty (Years 7-12) was impressed with the enthusiasm of the students. ‘It was impressive to observe how keen they were to share their knowledge and understanding as well as involve themselves in the physical activities during the breaks, such as the frog race and martial arts tutorial.’
The trivia was organised by Richard, Clara, Charlotte, and Charlie as part of their Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) Project; 150 hours that all students in the IB DP (International Baccalaureate Diploma) must complete. The whole language faculty and the Year 9 teachers came together to deliver a memorable experience.

‘Thank you to the staff and Year 11 students for their work in preparing this day and to the Year 9 students for their contribution. It was a brilliant afternoon!’ Emilie said.