Our German language learners had much cause for celebration as they shared in the festivities of a traditional German Kleines Volksfest (Small Folk Festival) at our Glen Waverley Campus recently.
Blessed with perfect weather, our community celebration marked the eve of two significant events in the German calendar. 3 October is a national holiday in Germany, Tag der Deutschen Einheit, marking the reunification of Germany in 1990. Beginning with the remarkable Kerzenrevolution (candle revolution), and completely without violence or loss of life, this revolution peacefully resulted in the fall of The Wall in November 1989, not only in Berlin, but throughout the once divided country.
It is also on this day that the iconic Oktoberfest in Munich, the largest public festival in the world, draws to an end after 18 days of Wiesngaudi (fun on the meadow). A double occasion for celebrations on the Wesley meadows!
With traditional brass band sounds in the background, our students sampled original German foods like pickled gherkins from the Spreewald region that is renowned for this product, Bratwurst mit Currysauce and, of course, fresh Brezeln from the best German bakery in Melbourne. What a culturally significant – and also tasty – start to Term 4!
Fun fact: It took 1288 cuts to prepare the sausages with the traditional criss-cross pattern that allows them to soak up even more curry sauce!
German teachers Frau Stolzenburg, Dr Fernandez and Frau Kazantzidou thought the event was a big success, saying, ‘It was delightful to see that our students not only indulged in the delicious foods, but also in the German attitude towards tidiness around the venue. We very much look forward to organising what will be the third edition of Kleines Volksfest next year.’