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Dr Loz shares in the fun in the Junior School STEAM Lab

Dr Loz and her team from Science Play Kids have visited the Junior School many times over the years to engage our students in the wonders of science. This year, they visited for two days of fun in the dedicated STEAM Lab with Prep to Year 4 students.

Prep students observing chemical reactions

Students carried out experiments with Dr Loz, introducing them to the world of chemistry and physics. They observed chemical reactions – with lots of delighted responses – and even made their own electricity.

This was the first time the Preps had participated in Dr Loz’s incursion and they were intrigued by the discoveries they made. Their sessions were closely aligned with the information they are learning in their classes, which included concepts such as ‘how the world works’.

With a focus on observation, students learnt about making a hypothesis. ‘What do you think will happen?’ asked Dr Loz, with some students predicting their containers of liquid would change colour or even grow into a living thing!

One of Dr Loz’s key messages for students was that ‘in science we make mistakes, and that’s okay. We can learn through our mistakes in science.' And indeed, in life!

Making electricity!