A new literacy learning program, utilising the most effective methods for learning to read, has been introduced for PYP English at our St Kilda Road Campus.
A major focus in Primary Years Programme (PYP) English this year has been the implementation of the Sounds-Write reading and spelling program. This program is a linguistic phonics approach to the teaching of reading.
The program aligns authentically with the Science of Reading. The Science of Reading is a body of research-based evidence, spanning over 40 years, to discover the best practise for teaching reading. The research found that a sound-to-print approach, with direct and explicit teaching instruction through a systematic and sequential program, is the most effective method for learning to read.
This exciting launch has been a huge undertaking, led by PYP Coordinator Sarah Ho at St Kilda Road Campus. It would not have been such a success without the dedication, commitment and diligence of all the staff involved.
Prep to Year 2 homeroom teachers were the first to be trained in Semester 1. They have implemented the Sounds-Write program with great success and are making shifts in teaching practise to ensure that they are continuing the rigour in a remote learning environment.
Kate Raudys, Year 1 Gold Homeroom teacher, shares her reflections on the experience to date. ‘In Year 1, the students have responded positively to the Sounds-Write program. There has been increased whole-class engagement, rapid learning and a general boost in confidence with their reading. They enjoy the predictability in the structure of the lessons and can therefore focus on content.’
During sessions, children primarily work on whiteboards on the carpet. Kate has found that there are many benefits in using the boards, as errors can be corrected quickly, the lesson can move at a swift pace and the teacher can do quick and regular assessments of the class learning.
Clear gains can already be seen in the learning of Year 1 children in face-to-face classes and online.
‘Great improvements can be seen across the year level with reading skills, including fluency, expression and accuracy when reading aloud as well as their ability to decode words.’ Kate concluded.
The successful program is being taught in Prep to Year 2 and is beginning to be implemented in Years 3 – Year 6 PYP English program. Years 3 – 6 homeroom teachers, Individual Needs teachers, Learning Support Assistants and our Head of Junior School have all completed their training, completing our whole-school approach to literacy learning in the PYP.
Katie Orton is PYP Head of Learning – Languages at the St Kilda Road Campus