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Thinking about the future, early

A range of Careers programs are designed to help Year 10 students at Wesley College make important decisions about their study pathways and their future career options.

Virtual work experience

A new program at the Glen Waverley Campus will see Year 10 students undertaking an exciting Virtual Work Experience Program with The Careers Department organisation. This is a unique opportunity for students to dive into multiple industries, build up a portfolio of work, build skills and gain industry experience, anytime and anywhere.

Watch the video:

Screengrab from Virtual Work Experience promotional video

The library of tasks to choose from mirrors real industry problems, enabling students to tackle problems faced by real businesses and working professionals.

This is a unique and engaging way for students to gain industry exposure and develop hard and transferable skills, build their resume and interview literacy and, most importantly, receive personal feedback mapped to guidelines provided by industry.

Experiences such as these help students to reconsider their existing ideas about what a profession in any given industry entails.

Choosing final subjects

Wesley College offers several pathways for final years’ study, offering the choice of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma in Years 11 and 12.

Choosing subjects for the final two years of schooling is a very important decision and the more research done by students and parents, the better that decision will be. This term, Year 10 students at the St Kilda Road Campus are engaged in meetings with their parents and the Careers Counsellors to determine future study and career pathways.

Tips from our Careers Counsellors
  • Keep in mind that the student is the one who will need to do all the homework and exams, so choosing according to their strengths is paramount
  • Choose studies that you enjoy, are good at, reflect your study interests and provide you with options
  • Your Careers Counsellors, VCE and IB Coordinators and other teachers are always available to you and can provide an impartial opinion on your study interests

Study choice is a personal decision and will require students to think carefully about their strengths, interests and studies. Getting as much information as they prior to making decisions, and keeping their options open, will all help.

Alison Wray and Rose Lyons (GW) and Elise Hodge and Sam Rapisarda (SKR), College Careers Counsellors