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National champs solving future world problems

Artist's impression of a colony on Mars

At a time when we face an uncertain and complex future, one thing is clear: our young students are well equipped future problem solvers, as Kathy Bernardi explains.

Yolanda Sun, David Xiang and Oliver Nassau, all in Year 9 at Wesley’s Glen Waverley Campus, competed recently in the Australian national finals of the Future Problem Solving competition in Brisbane.

Yolanda was third in Australia in the Global Issues Problem Solving competition.

David placed second in Australia in the Scenario Writing competition, with Oliver placing eighth.

David and Yolanda have been invited to join the Australian team at the 2020 Future Problem Solving international finals at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the US.

Throughout the year, the Glen Waverley Future Problem Solving team members applied their problem-solving skills to scenarios featuring significant social, economic or scientific issues which may become real-world global issues in the future, such as colonising Mars, drone technology and food loss and waste.

Problem-solving skills are increasingly listed by employers as one of the most sought after core employability skills needed by employees for effective performance in the workplace. Congratulations to all three students, who have ably demonstrated the attributes Wesley wishes to instil in all its graduates.

Kathy Bernardi is an Individual Needs Teacher at Wesley College