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Ready for anything

Prep student with a puppet

Prep is a busy year. How busy? Our very own roving reporters, the Preps, report.

Our year started with our teacher, Miss Bulmer, ‘forgetting’ the names of the people who help us at Wesley College! Lucky for us, we were on the case as we were learning, ‘How schools are organised to help students learn and work together.’ This took us around the whole campus, meeting everyone who helps the Preps with our daily routine.

We soon found out that Prep was a very busy place and we needed to make sure we were fit and healthy for the role. Our inquiry into, ‘The many factors that contribute to health and wellbeing’ kept us on track.

All of a sudden it was our 101st day of school; we thought we were off to Year 1. Not yet! We still had more discovering to do. Sometimes relationships can be tricky, so we needed to think about, ‘Identifying and understanding our emotions and how they help us to regulate our behaviour.’ We are now really good at naming our emotions and using calming strategies when needed.

To finish off our year, we’re going to visit the Melbourne Zoo to investigate living things and how to respond to their needs.

We are just about ready for Year 1.

Shared by the Prep students of the Glen Waverley Campus