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Shoes for Planet Earth

A group of 11 Year 11 students at Wesley College’s St Kilda Road campus (pictured above with Principal, Dr Helen Drennen) have helped to bring together over 200 pairs of shoes to be donated to Shoes for Planet Earth, a not-for-profit charity that works with local and international communities to provide recycled sports shoes to those in need around the world. The students worked tirelessly and with good humour in seeking support from the entire St Kilda Road campus to bring in outgrown, unwanted, but still serviceable, sports shoes.

A sausage sizzle and cake stall raised an extra $1,000 for the cause. The students were amazed at the response, with shoes coming from the Junior School right through to the Senior School. The donated shoes and funds raised will help support the needs of communities within the Indigenous community of the Yiramalay/Wesley Studio School in the Kimberley, an African orphanage, plus local organisations in Melbourne supporting the homeless.

Shoes for Planet Earth