Domestic applications

Wesley College is an open-entry, coeducational, day and boarding school. We welcome applications from three-year-old Early Childhood Learning through to Year 12. Explore the 4-step application and enrolment procedure and what you can expect along the way.
International applications

Students from around the world join our diverse community in Melbourne. Wesley College welcomes 100+ international students from over 10 different countries across Asia and Europe. Explore the application and enrolment process for International students.

Wesley College offers a broad range of scholarships, which reward academic excellence and achievement in sport, music, performance, community service and leadership.
English Language Preparation Program

The English Language Preparation Program (ELPP) is Wesley’s in-house intensive English language program. Designed for international and local students with English as an additional language, the program is available to students in Years 8 – 10.
Accommodation options

Wesley College’s boarding and homestay accommodation options help interstate, rural and international students settle into Melbourne and Wesley life.
School uniform

The Wesley uniform has been designed for student comfort, easy care and elegance. The uniform comprises the summer and winter uniforms and the sports uniform.
School dates

The school year is divided into two half yearly semesters and four terms. The latest term dates are published here.