Transforming young lives

Our scholarship recipients enrich the diversity of Wesley College to create a vibrant and dynamic learning environment characterised by many perspectives. The transformative opportunities and experiences at Wesley not only inspire our scholarship recipients to be their best selves, but also inspire Wesley College to be at its best for all our students.

Every year the Wesley College Foundation’s Annual Giving Appeal plays a vital role in sustaining our commitment to educational excellence and sharing this excellence across future generations.

Scholarships are the priority of our 2024 Annual Giving Appeal. The immediate impact of scholarships on the lives of our young people and their families is profound.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Life-changing opportunities

Our scholarship recipients come from a wide range of backgrounds. We strongly believe that financial and family circumstances should not be a barrier to a Wesley education and all that it offers to talented students.

"I came to Wesley from Wangaratta in regional Victoria on a boarding scholarship. I was at Wesley for the academic opportunities, but the School Community made my time at Wesley so memorable and helped to shape the person I am today. The opportunities at Wesley were incredible. I was on the soccer team that made the premiership when I was in Year 11 and I co-captained the Girls' First soccer team in Year 12. I was also the Wesmob Prefect and worked closely with the Social Justice Prefect on Indigenous issues. My time at Wesley was life-changing. I am living the future I dreamed of and this would not have been possible without a Wesley education as a scholarship recipient.”

Jennifer Taylor (OW2023)

My family comes from humble beginnings and I’m first generation Australian. I was very fortunate to start at Wesley’s Elsternwick Campus on a General Excellence scholarship. Hard work and effort have been instilled in me from a young age and I was thrilled to achieve the highest possible ATAR of 99.95. It shows that determination and drive to succeed really do pay off! I am now studying a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne and plan to go on to study medicine. I have immense gratitude for my teachers, the Wesley community and family and friends who have supported me throughout my journey.’

Sara Pisacane (OW2021)

"It was a very special and life-changing event for me when I received the scholarship to Wesley because it wouldn’t have been possible for me to attend without this support. I was there on a music scholarship and the musical knowledge that I learned still resonates with me as a professional musician today. To those who left a bequest in their Will to be directed to scholarships, and to those who donated funds that enabled students like myself to have this start in life, I would like to say thank you on behalf of all of us. It literally changes lives."

Chris Howlett (OW2002)

“I am very grateful for the opportunity of being a student at Wesley College. I cannot be more thankful for the Wesley scholarship program as it gave me so many opportunities and helped me reach my goals on and off the track. I believe a scholarship program like this is very important to help other children access a great education"

Nana Owusu-Afriyie (OW2016)

The Wesley College Foundation Scholarship Fund

We are seeking to build on the generosity of past generations of donors to grow the fund from which scholarships are distributed. This year we aim to build our capacity to offer a greater number of talented students the opportunity to benefit from a Wesley College education regardless of their background or family circumstances. The consideration of a means component of our scholarship program provides additional support for families with demonstrated financial need and relevant personal circumstances.

Help us provide more opportunities for talented and diverse young people to access the exceptional education experience at Wesley College by supporting our annual Scholarships Program including:

Academic Scholarships

Awarded following a process of evaluation including examination and interview.

General Excellence Scholarships

Celebrate the diversity of our community by awarding worthy students from all backgrounds and family circumstances who demonstrate a strong commitment to academic excellence coupled with achievement in one or more of the following: sport, music, performance, art, leadership or community service.

Boarding Scholarships

Awarded to Learning in Residence boarders with strong academic records who demonstrate achievement in sport, music, performance or visual arts.

Donate now

Further information

For further information on financial contributions to the 2024 Annual Appeal:

Wesley College Foundation 

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