By supporting the philanthropic programs of the Wesley College Foundation you are assisting the education of current and future students.

Credit card security

Online donations to the Wesley College Foundation may be made via credit card through this site. The secure payment gateway used on this site is provided by National Australia Bank payment gateway.

The Wesley College Foundation accepts donations in Australian dollars (AUD) with Visa, American Express and Mastercard.

No credit card details submitted by users are collected by the College and transaction data never leaves the secure payments network and is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption and firewall infrastructure.

The Wesley College Privacy Policy covers all transactions and payments.


Should you require any assistance with making donations online, please contact the Wesley College Foundation Office on

03 8102 6213 or email

Donations are made subject to the following terms and conditions:


Wesley College complies with the Commonwealth Privacy Act. Collection, storage and distribution of personal information is managed in accordance with the National Privacy Principles. These procedures are outlined in Wesley College’s Private Policy.


Refunds may be given within 10 working days of the donation being made, upon written request to the Wesley College Foundation by the donor. If a refund is given, the Wesley College Foundation will retain any service fee it has been charged. Requests for refund/s may be directed to

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