Carlo and Tine Tabalujan (Family) Scholarship
The Foundation is honoured to be the recipient of a significant donation from the Tabalujan family that have endowed a new scholarships . The Foundation acknowledges, with deep appreciation, the philanthropy of the Tabalujan family, and is honoured that they have chosen to support Wesley’s important and growing scholarships program. Naming a scholarship can be a perfect way of acknowledging your family’s association with the College or commemorating a family member. It is wonderful way of giving back to the College.
This scholarship is in honour of Carlo and Tine Tabalujan and endowed by their children – Hans, James, Heyley, Peter and Benny. Carlo passed away in 2011 at 88 years of age and Tine is in her late 80s. While neither Carlo nor Tine had the privilege of a Wesley education, three of their sons graduated from Wesley - Hans (OW1970), James (OW1971) and Benny (OW1978). Several of their grandchildren have also attended Wesley: Jason Tabalujan-Chong (OW1998), Gabriel Tabalujan (2007 transition term) and Timothy Tabalujan (OW2011). Currently, another three grandchildren are studying at the Glen Waverley campus.
In summing up the nature of this scholarship Benny Tabalujan said, The focus of this scholarship is to strengthen further Wesley’s extensive links with Asia. It underscores Wesley’s commitment to build additional linkages between Australia and Asia in the Asian century. The scholarship recipient will be a positive contribution towards better understanding and rapport recipient of the scholarship will commence in 2016. Apply for the Tabalujan Family Scholarship