Posner Lenzer (OW1925) and his sister Rosetta Lenzer have left an enormous legacy for future generations.
Lewis Posner was born in 1909 and entered Wesley College in 1919 as pupil number 5409 at just nine years of age. His family lived on Park Street, St Kilda where he had previously attended the St Kilda Park State School. When he commenced at Wesley, he joined a truly open entry school that embraced students of different beliefs and values, which continues today.
These were exciting times to be at the College and his experiences at Wesley clearly left an impression on Lewis. He would remain at Wesley until December 1925. In his final year, Adamson’s handwritten notes observe of Lewis that he was ‘a good boy…he should do well’.
In April 1942, Lewis enlisted as a Private in the Australian army and was discharged nearly four years later in February 1946. Lewis would go on to join the Victorian Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women, an organisation dedicated to caring for Jewish military personnel from Allied Forces and their families. Their mission included honouring the memory of those who served and supporting ex-service persons and their families.
Lew, as he came to be known, was a private man, however his philanthropic and community activity was evident through his active membership of the Melbourne Jewish Mutual Benefit Society and the Jewish Young Men’s Philanthropic Auxiliary. Lew and his sister, Rosetta Lenzer (nee Posner), were both involved in community events and outreach.
During the 1960s, Lew continued to be involved with Wesley College and the OWCA, taking on the role of Chairman of the Alumni Class Years of 1921-1925. Together with the 1916-1920 cohort, a fundraising initiative was developed to supply the school with Audio Visual Equipment. Lewis Posner maintained an active interest in the College as an Old Collegian and subsequently became a keen member of the College’s bequest program, The Sapere Aude Bequest Society (SABS).
Lewis passed away in 2004 and Rosetta was 93 years of age when she died in 2009. Through an extremely generous bequest, Lewis and Rosetta established two half scholarships for students from regional Victoria which have been awarded over the last decade. These scholarships are currently held by two students in Boarding/Learning in Residence at the Glen Waverley Campus who will complete Year 12 in 2025.
We are thrilled that the Posner Lenzer Scholarship will be offered to two students from regional Victoria in 2026.