Homestay Policy
The purpose of this policy is to detail the steps Wesley College will take to ensure that international students, in accordance with the ESOS National Code - International Education, who opt for Homestay accommodation, receive the appropriate standards of accommodation, support and pastoral care while enrolled at the College.
This policy applies to all international students living in a Homestay arrangement. As a matter of policy, Wesley College will only support a Homestay accommodation arrangement for a student who is 13 years or older and is enrolled from Years 8 to 12 inclusive.
Arrangements whereby a parent (or suitable nominated relative) take responsibility for the welfare arrangements of the international student fall outside of this policy.
Policy Statement
Welfare and Accommodation
In accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act, the National Code of Practice 2018 and the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) Guidelines for the Enrolment of Overseas Students Aged Under 18 Years, Wesley College is responsible for the welfare and accommodation arrangements of students studying at the College on a student visa for the entire period the student is enrolled at the school.
As a condition of the student visa, students under 18 years of age are required to have suitable accommodation and welfare arrangements and these must be approved by the College. Wesley College requires that international students live:
- with a Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved relative who is in Australia on a Guardian visa Where students are accompanied by a relative staying in Australia on a Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved relative Guardian visa do not require and the College does not issue a welfare letter (CAAW) via PRISMS.
- in Learning in Residence (LiR) or
- in a Homestay with a family that has been approved by the College, receiving full board with their own room and meals supplied.
When Wesley College accepts responsibility for the welfare arrangements of a student under the age of 18, either in Learning in Residence or in Homestay accommodation, a Confirmation of Acceptable Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter is created at the same time as the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) in PRISMS. The CAAW is signed by Wesley College to confirm approval of the accommodation arrangements.
Wesley College nominates the dates from which responsibility takes place. The welfare responsibilities must cover the full period of the CoE and seven days thereafter at a minimum. If a student wishes to arrive from overseas earlier than the nominated date, the student must be accompanied by a DHA approved guardian, or the College must extend the welfare commencement date.
Students are obliged to notify the College of any change of address while enrolled at the school. Where the College has approved the student's welfare and accommodation arrangements, the student must seek both the College’s and their parent’s prior approval for any change to welfare and accommodation arrangements. Wesley College will arrange Homestay accommodation on behalf of the student, with students taken to view a maximum of two homestay families.
If a student is transferring to the College from another provider, the College must liaise with the other registered provider to ensure there is no gap in providing appropriate welfare arrangements. A CAAW letter must be created to reflect the change in welfare arrangements.
The College will inform the student and their family to maintain their welfare arrangements until the transfer date, alternative arrangements have been approved or the student returns home until new approved welfare arrangements take effect.
The College will maintain approval of accommodation and welfare arrangements until:
- the student completes the course and departs Australia
- the student turns 18
- the student transfers to another provider and they assume welfare and accommodation responsibilities
- a parent or nominated guardian approved by the Department of Home Affairs assumes care of the student. This change to CAAW responsibilities will be documented in PRISMS. The parent(s)/guardian(s) and student address details will be updated in PRISMS by the ISC
- any appeals process in relation to Wesley College’s intentions to cancel the student’s enrolment have been finalised (these include suspensions, cancellations, course attendance and progress)
If the College is no longer able to approve welfare arrangements, the College must report the student to the Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS withing 24 hours.
Wesley College will notify the police, and any other relevant agencies, as soon as is practicable if unable to locate an international student or if there are any concerns related to their welfare.
The College will make every effort to contact an international student’s parent(s)/legal guardian(s) immediately if they can no longer approve the international student’s welfare arrangements.
Local Support Person
Whilst the College has responsibility for international students, in order to assist with overseeing the student’s welfare, we require that each overseas student, irrespective of age, has a person who is living in Melbourne appointed as their local support person.
The local support person must be approved by the College and may be appointed by the parents or the College to act on behalf of the student during their time at the school. They should be a mature adult, and should act as necessary in matters such as discipline, attendance, academic progress and accommodation in relation to the student.
A local support person should attend school functions that would usually be attended by a parent, such as information evenings or parent/teacher interviews. The local support person may be the Homestay parent or may be a family friend or other person nominated by the parents. In all cases, the local support person needs to be approved by Wesley College.
Along with the parents, the local support person should oversee student’s travel between their home country and their accommodation in Australia. A local support person should assist the student moving to a new Homestay, and monitor the student’s activities during weekends and holiday periods. We do not recommend students sign long-term agreements with local support agencies prior to commencing at Wesley College.
A local support person is required to:
- be 25 years of age or over
- live in metropolitan Melbourne
- be contactable by both email and phone 7 days a week
- be committed to providing ongoing and regular support to the student
- nominate a school-approved replacement person if they are going to be away for an extended period of time
- obtain a Working with Children Check (WWCC) and Victorian Police Check, provide proof of identity and suitable references, and complete annual Child Safe training
Suitability of Student Accommodation and Local Support Person
People interested in hosting a student should apply directly to the College. The International Student Coordinator at each campus is responsible for interviewing the Homestay family and local support person and assessing the suitability of each Homestay and local support person. This involves an interview to evaluate the appropriateness of the applicant and to outline Wesley College’s requirements and expectations. Wesley College has a documented process for verifying the accommodation is suitable for the age and needs of each student:
- prior to accommodation being approved
- at least every six months thereafter, and
- includes regular interviews with students
Child Safety
At Wesley College, we have a zero tolerance for child abuse and are committed to acting in the best interests of children and keeping them safe from harm. The College regards its child safety responsibilities with the utmost importance, and is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child safety laws and regulations and maintain a child safe culture.
The College has developed a comprehensive Child Safety Program which details our commitment and approach to protecting children from abuse. The program contains our Child Safe Policy, and our Child Safe Code of Conduct which outlines the expectations of behaviour and boundaries for all adults interacting with students within our College community. The program also provides detailed information for any member of our community, including students, on how to report any concerns around child safety.
The International Student Coordinators at each campus will meet all international students individually or as a group each year to ensure they understand their right to feel and be safe, what this means in terms of different kinds of child abuse, and where students should go if they feel unsafe. The full Child Safety Program is accessible here
Requirements of Homestay Hosts
All Wesley College, Homestay families and local support persons are required to read, understand and comply with our Child Safety Program. The Provider Declaration – Child Safe Standards (for International Homestay and Local Support Persons) must be completed and returned to the College prior to any student being placed in Homestay, and/or being allocated a local support person.
Working with Children Checks and Police Checks are required for local support persons and for all persons over the age of 18 that reside in the same home with a Wesley student, and must be current prior to any student being placed in Homestay. These must be updated every five years.
Related Policies, Procedures & Documents
- Enrolment Policy
- Child Safety Program
- Child Safe Policy
- Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Welfare and Accommodation Information Booklet
- Provider Declaration – Child Safe Standards (for International Homestay and local support persons)
- Homestay monitoring checklist
- ESOS Act
- National Code