Enrolment Policy


Wesley College (College) is an open-entry, coeducational, day and boarding school.  Students join the College from a diverse range of backgrounds and with a variety of academic and cocurricular interests.

The College welcomes applications for enrolment for students entering from three-year-old Early Childhood Learning through to Year 11.

To support families considering a place at the College, this policy outlines the process and considerations for acceptance of a student to the College, and includes requirements in accordance with:

  • school boarding minimum standards set out in the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017;
  • section 19 of the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act; and
  • standard 9 of the National Code of Practice for the Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018).

This policy applies to all entrants to the College and is administered by the Admissions Department within Community Engagement. This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Wesley College Fees and Expenses 2024 – Domestic Students (including Temporary and Permanent Residents) and the Wesley College Fees and Expenses 2024 – International Students. This policy, together with the Terms and Conditions, are published on the Wesley College website and on the Parent Intranet Portal.


Agent means an education agent or representative who is not a parent or legal guardian but is duly appointed by Wesley College to support an Applicant seeking enrolment at Wesley College.

Applicant means the person who is a prospective student of Wesley College and for whom an application for enrolment is submitted.

Authorised Representative means a parent or parents, legal guardian and agent.

College means Wesley College Melbourne ABN 55 611 238 530 as represented across its campuses.

Disability in relation to an applicant means:

  • total or partial loss of a part of the body of the applicant; or
  • total or partial loss of an applicant’s bodily or mental functions; or
  • the presence in the body of the applicant of organisms causing disease or illness, or capable of causing disease or illness; or
  • the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the applicant’s body; or
  • a disorder or malfunction that results in the applicant learning differently from a student without the disorder or malfunction; or
  • a disorder, illness or disease that affects a student’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgment, or that results in disturbed behaviour.

Domestic applicant means students who are Australian citizens or Australian temporary or permanent resident visa holders.

Enrolment Agreement means the agreement formed between the College, the authorised representative of the applicant being a parent or parents, or legal guardian. The Enrolment Agreement consists of the Letter of Offer, the Terms and Conditions including fees, the policies of the College as updated from time to time, any additional terms and conditions for applicants awarded a scholarship or bursary, the Learning in Residence (LiR) Family Handbook relevant for boarders, the Confirmation or Enrolment (CoE) for an international student, and any other terms provided between the College and the Authorised Representatives of the applicant.

International applicant means an applicant who is not a domestic applicant. International students are governed by the ESOS framework.

Principal means the Principal of Wesley College, or the Principal’s authorised delegate.

Notice of withdrawal means formal advice provided by the parent/s or legal guardian noting their intention to permanently withdraw a child/ren from Wesley College.


The College will exercise its discretion, subject to its legal obligations and availability of places, in relation to the priority given to applications to the College. Consideration will be given to the following:

Equal Opportunity exemption

The College operates under an exemption from the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) granted by the Victorian Civil and Administration Tribunal (VCAT) in 2023 which is in force until 16 November 2028. This exemption enables the College to:

  • advertise for students of a particular sex/gender identity to enter the school;
  • structure waiting lists on the basis of sex/gender identity;
  • allocate student placements and offer enrolments to students of a particular sex/gender identity;
  • offer bursaries and scholarships to students of a particular sex/gender identity; and
  • advertise these matters.
Provision of information by parents, guardians and agents

All applications are accepted at face value with the understanding by the College that the parent, guardian or agent who has completed the Application Form and provided subsequent information, has done so completely and in good faith so as not to mislead or otherwise contribute to incomplete evaluation by the College.

Intake years

The College operates with key intake years that are outlined below for each campus:

Key Intake Year Level


Three- and four-year-old ECLC, Prep, Year 5 and Year 7

Glen Waverley

Three-year-old ECLC, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 10

Boarding entry from Year 9, Year 10 or Year 11, and spans the years up to an including Year 12

St Kilda Road

Three- and four-year-old ECLC, Prep, Year 5 and Year 7

Vacancies arise from time to time in year levels outside the Key Intake Year Levels listed above. We accept applications for all year levels across the College.

The final decision for assessment and granting entry for students seeking a place in the College in a year level other than a Key Intake Year Level lies with the Head of Campus.

Boarding / Learning in Residence (LiR)

Entry to boarding at the Learning in Residence (LiR) facility located at the Glen Waverley Campus is open for domestic students (weekly boarding from Monday to Friday, or full boarding) and international students (full boarding only) from Year 9 and above at the discretion of the Head of Campus. Access to Boarding/LiR will be provided such that a student may enter the facility on the day prior to the commencement of the school term and departure will occur on the last day of term (as arranged by Boarding/LiR).

Age requirements

For entry into three- and four-year-old Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) and Prep, please note the following Age Requirements:

Year Level
Age Requirement

Three-year-old ECLC

To commence three-year-old ECLC, children must be three years old by 30 April in their year of commencement. Please note that priority is given to children who turn three years of age by 31 January in their year of commencement.

Four-year-old ECLC

To commence four-year-old ECLC, children must be four years old by 30 April in their year of commencement. Please note that priority is given to children who turn four years of age by 31 January in their year of commencement.


To commence Prep in Term 1, children must turn five by 30 April in their year of entry.

The final decision for consideration of entry at a year younger than that shown above lies with the Head of Campus.

International students, as governed by the ESOS framework, must be at least 13 years of age when they commence studies at the College, unless they are living with a parent or DHA-approved relative.

Offer considerations

As places at the College are in high demand, families are encouraged to apply for enrolment as early as possible. The College accepts applications from birth.

All applications are assigned to the waitlist. The College considers a range of criteria prior to commencing the process of enrolment, when making enrolment offers, and subsequently accepting a student at the College, including but not limited to:

  • children with siblings already attending the College
  • children or grandchildren of Old Wesley Collegians (OWs)
  • gender balance of each year level
  • interests and activities of the student
  • children of permanent staff members
  • academic performance and school reports for students seeking entry to the Senior School (Years 10-12)
  • applications for boarding
  • number of students in a class and year level and number of classes per year level
  • College resourcing, facilities and staffing model
  • date of application
  • genuine student aspiration for an applicant who intends to derive value from the course of study at the College
Boarding / Learning in Residence (LiR)

Students wishing to reside in the College’s Boarding/Learning in Residence (LiR) at the Glen Waverley Campus will be provided with the Boarding/LiR Family Handbook as part of the enrolment process. This includes details of the services included for students residing in Boarding/LiR, including student leave and location management, the provision of meals, linen and laundry services, compliance protocols, health and medical support, pastoral support, residential activities curriculum, and operational information.

Students enrolling in Boarding/LiR are expected to remain in Boarding/LiR through to completion of Year 12. Transfer to a day place in the campus cannot be assumed or guaranteed. Any requests for such a transfer must be provided in writing to the Head of Campus.

Reasonable adjustments

Where information provided during the application process indicates that an applicant has a disability, the Head of Campus will consult with the applicant and their parent(s), legal guardian and agent (as appropriate) to determine whether the disability would affect the applicant’s ability to participate in or derive substantial benefit from the curricular and compulsory cocurricular program of the College.

Following the consultation process, the College will asses whether it is necessary to make an adjustment or adjustments, and whether that adjustment or adjustments are reasonable.

The College will take into account relevant circumstances and interests when identifying what is a reasonable adjustment including the following:

  • the nature of the applicant’s disability
  • the nature of the adjustment or adjustments that would be necessary
  • the information provided by, or on behalf of, the applicant about how the disability affects the applicant’s ability to participate
  • where reasonable and appropriate, the views of the applicant about whether a proposed adjustment is reasonable and will support participation in the curricular and cocurricular programs of the College
  • information about the applicant’s preferred adjustments
  • the effect of the proposed adjustment on anyone else affected within the College community including staff, other applicants, other students and the College community, and
  • the costs and benefits of making the adjustment
Withdrawal of offer

An offer may be withdrawn where relevant information is withheld or information provided is found to be inaccurate, or where there has been a significant change in the circumstances of the applicant such that the applicant cannot reasonably be accommodated by the College. In these circumstances, consultation will form part of the enrolment process, with the applicant and their parent(s), legal guardian and agent as appropriate.

Continuous enrolment

Once an Offer of Enrolment has been accepted, the enrolment is continuous through to the end of Year 12, unless the student is formally withdrawn in accordance with the Notice of Student Withdrawal Policy that requires a term’s written notice, otherwise a term’s fees will be charged in lieu of notice. A student wishing to take a leave of absence must apply in accordance with the Leave of Absence policy.

Records retention

All data, documents and information provided for the purpose of enrolment and entry to the College are retained by the College as a permanent record and in accordance with the Privacy policy. A permanent record may be transferred to the archive no less than two years after the student has completed Year 12 or would have completed Year 12 if they leave the College prior to completion. A permanent record may not be destroyed without the written approval of the Principal.

Domestic Student Enrolment Process

Online application

All applications require completion of an online Enrolment Application and include the provision of
the following documents:

  • the applicant’s Birth Certificate or Passport
  • if applying as a temporary or permanent resident, a copy of the applicant’s visa

A non-refundable and non-transferable $200 application fee is required in order to complete the application. This fee is waived for children and grandchildren of OWs.

An application is a prerequisite for a place on the College waitlist, however it does not guarantee an enrolment.

Application progression

For students entering Years 5 and 7, the enrolment process begins three years prior to the preferred year of entry. For students entering all other year levels, the enrolment process begins up to two years prior to the preferred year of entry.

All waitlisted families are emailed an Application Progression Questionnaire to register their continued interest in a possible place at Wesley College. The Application Progression Questionnaire should be completed in full and returned with the following documents:

  • applicant’s most recent school report
  • the applicant’s NAPLAN results (as applicable)
  • a copy of the applicant's immunisation history statement issued by Medicare (for applications to ECLC to Year 6)
  • any specialist reports (where relevant)
  • for students seeking entry into the Senior School (Years 10-12), academic performance as demonstrated in school reports will be assessed for students applying with English as a second language for entry into Year 5 onward. AEAS test results (no more than 12 months old) will be required at this stage of the enrolment process.

In addition to the above information, domestic students (holding a TR/PR Visa or Australian Citizenship), for whom English is a second language, must provide an English proficiency test administered by Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS) with their Application Progression Questionnaire.

AEAS test results provide detail regarding the student’s proficiency in English and is one of the measures of the candidate’s suitability. The table below is a guide to scores for entry:

Year  Level

AEAS Score

Stanines (score)

Years 5-6

60 and above

7 and 6 in non-verbal general skills and Mathematics

Years 7-10

70 and above

7 and 6 in non-verbal general skills and Mathematics

Year 11

80 and above

7 and 6 in non-verbal general skills and Mathematics

The AEAS test may be completed in your home country or in Melbourne, and should be completed within 12 months of submitting your application. The College must see evidence of students attaining a satisfactory level of English before entering mainstream study at the College.


Selected applicants that proceed beyond the waitlist stage may be invited for an interview with the Head of Campus (or delegate) based on the criteria considered through the application progression process.

Offer of enrolment

Offers of enrolment will be made based on:

  • consideration of available places and the gender balance in class, year, school and campus cohorts and where relevant, within Learning in Residence,
  • review of the Application Progression Questionnaire and supporting documentation (including immunisation history statement issued by Medicare for applications for ECLC to Year 6, school reports, NAPLAN reports, specialist reports and other supporting information)
  • outcome of the interview with the Head of Campus (or delegate)
  • for students with English as a second language, submission of AEAS test results with an English score of at least 60 for Year 5 entry and a score of at least 70 for Year 7 entry, and minimum Stanines of 6/7. Please note AEAS test results are valid for 12 months only
  • where English is a second language, and based upon consideration of the AEAS test results, the prior language of instruction, prior academic results and other relevant matters, an offer of enrolment may specify a minimum length of time for participation in an English Language Preparation Program (ELPP) which is required to improve a student’s English level to be competent in the desired year level and to ensure they have a good understanding of the language used in the mainstream courses studied at the College.

A Letter of Offer will be issued for the applicant including the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment, Fees and Expenses, Child Safe information, link to relevant Policies, and Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) where relevant, the Learning in Residence (LiR) Family Handbook for boarders, the Scholarship or Bursary Terms and Conditions, where relevant, and any other terms and condition. Together these relevant documents comprise the Enrolment Agreement.

Acceptance of offer of enrolment

To accept an offer of enrolment, the Confirmation Fee of $1,200 and Tuition Contribution Fee of $2,800, are payable. The Tuition Contribution Fee is deducted from the first account after the student has commenced in Prep level or above and is most commonly deducted from the April account. This fee is not transferable, refundable or able to be deferred to a future year level.

Please note, Wesley College reserves the right to withdraw the offer of enrolment if the above conditions are not met or should we determine that we are unable to meet the specific needs of the student. If Wesley withdraws the offer of enrolment for any reason, the Confirmation Fee and Tuition Contribution Fee will be refunded. In all other circumstances, the fees are not refundable nor transferable to another year level or student. For more information, please refer to the fee schedule.

Domestic Student Enrolment Terms and Conditions


The College accepts applications for enrolment for students entering from three-year-old Early Childhood Learning through to Year 11.

Enrolment criteria
The College considers a range of criteria when making enrolment offers, including but not limited to:

  • children with siblings already attending the College
  • children or grandchildren of Old Wesley Collegians (OWs)
  • gender balance of each year level
  • interests and activities of the student
  • children of permanent staff members
  • academic performance and school reports for students seeking entry to the Senior School (Years 10-12)
  • applications for boarding
  • number of students in a class and year level and number of classes per year level
  • College resourcing, facilities and staffing model
  • date of application
  • genuine student aspiration for an applicant who intends to derive value from the course of study at the College

A non-refundable application fee of $200 and a copy of the applicant’s Birth Certificate or Passport documenting the student’s date of birth and gender must accompany the application for enrolment form. The application fee is waived for children and grandchildren of OWs.

For students entering Years 5 and 7, the enrolment process begins up to three years prior to the preferred year of entry. For all other year levels, the enrolment process begins up to two years prior to the preferred year of entry.

Upon receiving the Application Progression Questionnaire, parents will disclose in full any diagnosed social, emotional or intellectual difficulties or specific medical or learning needs or disabilities that may impact the student’s ability to fully participate in the curricular and cocurricular programs provided by the College.

The College reserves the right to refuse any application for enrolment without providing any reason.

The College reserves the right to cancel the proposed enrolment of a student should we determine that we are not able to meet the specific needs of the student.

Students for whom English is an additional language will be required to demonstrate their proficiency in English and meet the determined proficiency levels outlined on the College website. This proficiency is supported by a certificate of English fluency from the Australian Education Assessment Service (AEAS).  This certificate must be submitted before an interview can be arranged.

All students are required to attend an interview with the Head of Campus (or delegate). This is to ensure that, as far as possible, the College is able to provide an appropriate course of study for the student. Parents will be notified after the interview if a place is to be offered by the College to their child.

Fees and charges

Fees are set annually by the College Council and are set out in the College Fee schedule, which is published on the College website, and details all fees and charges.

Fees are subject to change at any time without notice. Any change in fees during enrolment will apply to new and continuing students.

Signatories to the Acceptance of Offer acknowledge that they are jointly and severally responsible for all fees, of whatsoever nature and kind, payable as a result of enrolling a child at Wesley College. Responsibility for these fees subsists with all enrolling signatories, irrespective of what may happen to the relationship (if any) of enrolling signatories.

To accept an offer of enrolment, a $4,000 payment is required comprising the Confirmation Fee of $1,200 and Tuition Contribution Fee of $2,800. The Tuition Contribution Fee is deducted from the first account after the student has commenced in Prep level or above, and is most commonly deducted from the April account. This fee is not transferable, refundable or able to be deferred to a future year level.

Enrolling signatories also acknowledge and understand that the College is not bound by any Court Orders or Child Support Assessments, Orders or Agreements between enrolling signatories. Where more than one person signs the Acceptance of Offer, but payment is made by either of the enrolling signatories, or by any other party, the enrolling signatories acknowledge that they remain throughout the attendance of the child at Wesley College, jointly and severally responsible for all fees of whatsoever nature and kind, payable as a result of enrolling their child at the College.

Signatories to the Acceptance of Offer shall be responsible for the payment of all fees, avoidable breakages, damage to College properties by a student, and/or of College property (e.g. library books, musical instruments, notebook computers etc).

Charges in addition to the published fees may be incurred if students require additional integration aides.

No student will be permitted to return to the College while any part of a fee instalment is in arrears, unless the College Executive Management Team expressly waives this condition.

Student withdrawal and absence

Four-year-old Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) students
Two term’s notice is required in writing to the Head of Campus prior to the withdrawal of a student from four-year-old ECLC. This means that notice is required by the end of Term 2. If the required notice is not received, a fee equivalent to one term’s fees will be payable.

Students in all other year levels (except four-year-old ECLC) and Learning in Residence students
One full term’s notice is required in writing to the Head of Campus prior to the withdrawal of a student from the College and Learning in Residence (as applicable). For year-end leavers, this means that notice is required by the end of Term 3.

If the required notice is not received, a fee equivalent to one term’s fees will be payable. A pro rata charge is made for new students entering the College for the first time after a term has commenced. If a student leaves during a term without giving a term’s notice, no refund will be made for the remaining portion of that fee instalment.

A term’s notice in writing to the Head of Campus must be given before the removal of a student from the College and Learning in Residence (as applicable), otherwise a charge equivalent to a term’s fees will apply.

Notice in relation to a change from Learning in Residence to a day place at the College can neither be assumed nor guaranteed, and is made at the discretion of the Head of Campus, having regard to all of the considerations detailed in the Student Acceptance Policy.

A holding fee of 25% of the applicable Tuition Fees for the year level is required if students take leave of absence from their studies at the College. The amount charged is calculated according to the time on leave. It is applicable for leave covering a minimum of one term to a maximum of one year. One term’s notice in writing to the relevant Head of School is required.


ECLC: The College adheres to the Victorian Government’s 'No Jab No Play' legislation. Children starting in ECLC must be fully immunised and a copy of your child’s Immunisation History Statement is required.

Junior School: Students entering the Junior School require an Immunisation History Statement, however there is currently no requirement to show your child is up-to-date with all immunisations. For more information visit betterhealth.vic.gov.au

Community expectations

All students and, where applicable, their parents and delegates (where relevant), are required to abide by the College policies and procedures, as published on the Wesley College Intranet and WiSE. These include, but are not limited to, the College Rules, Anti-harassment Policy, Community Conduct Policy, Homework and Study Policy, Drug Education and Support Policy, and the Reasonable Use Agreement for Digital Technologies. Failure to abide by the College rules and policies may result in disciplinary action for the student or the family.

Students entering ECLC must be fully immunised and must be 3 years old prior to commencement in the program. ECLC students are expected to present as ready for independent pre-school learning and self-management. This includes, but is not limited to, toilet training, managing lunchboxes and break times, and with clear plans for rest breaks.

The College reserves the right to exclude any student permanently or temporarily, at the sole discretion of the Principal, if this action is in the interest of the student or for the good of the College.

Collection and disclosure of personal information

Wesley College complies with the Commonwealth Privacy Act. Collection, storage and distribution of personal information is managed in accordance with the National Privacy Principles. These procedures are outlined in Wesley College’s Private Policy available here.

The parent(s) and any delegate (where relevant) acknowledges they have read and understood the College Privacy Policy and Cyber Security Policy.

Parent(s) must advise the College in writing of any changes to home, telephone, or email address or other contact details on the Application for Enrolment form and must maintain these records as current during the entire period of enrolment of their child/children.

Variations to the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

The College reserves the right to vary the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment from time to time. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified of material changes in writing. The enrolment, or continued enrolment, of a student, will signify acceptance by the parent(s)/guardian(s) of any variation(s) to the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment.

International student enrolment process

The international student enrolment procedure is outlined below.

International students require a student visa to study in Australia, obtained from an Australian Embassy or High Commission.

Online application

Complete and submit the online application.  Alternatively, an application may be made through one of Wesley’s approved international agents.

To complete the online application, you will be required to provide:

  • a copy of the applicant’s Birth Certificate or Passport
  • for students with English as a second language, submission of AEAS test results.  Please note AEAS test results are valid for 12 months
  • a notarised copy of the student’s most recent school report (original and translated); students applying to enter a specific year level must have successfully completed the year prior to entry or equivalent
  • details of the applicant’s living and welfare arrangements
Application Fee

To submit an application, you will be required to pay a non-refundable or non-transferable $300 fee. This fee is waived for children and grandchildren of Old Wesley Collegians and for Wesley approved education agencies applying on an applicant’s behalf.

An application is a pre-requisite for admission but not a guarantee of enrolment.


International applicants, for whom English is a second language, must sit an entrance test administered by Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS).

AEAS test results provide detail regarding the student’s proficiency in English and is one of the measures of the candidate’s suitability. The table below is a guide to scores for entry.

Year level

AEAS score

Stanines (score)

Years 5 – 6

60 and above

7 and 6 in non-verbal general skills and Mathematics

Years 7 – 10

70 and above

7 and 6 in non-verbal general skills and Mathematics

Year 11

80 and above

7 and 6 in non-verbal general skills and Mathematics

The AEAS test may be completed in your home country and should be completed within 12 months of submitting your application.

Students must attain a satisfactory level of English before entering mainstream study at the College.

Applicants who do not have English as their first language may be required to attend an English language course in accordance with their letter of offer, subject to their AEAS test results. The recommended length of time required to improve a student's English level to be competent for the desired year level of entry at Wesley will be determined by the AEAS test results.

Students must attain a satisfactory level of English to ensure they have a good understanding of the language used in the mainstream courses studied at the College.

As a student approaches the end of their English program, Wesley College will contact the student to invite them to attend the post ELICOS AEAS test. The level of English required for Senior School students (Years 10-12) is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) for English as a Second Language of level S4. The student must also demonstrate a good work ethic and positive attitude to their studies while attending the English language school.

To find out more about English language courses, including the College’s English Language Preparation Program, visit the English Language Preparation Program page.


Students who satisfy the College entry requirements may be invited to attend an interview with the Head of School (or delegate), Head of Boarding (if applicable) and Head of the English Language Preparation Program (if applicable) prior to a letter of offer being issued. This interview may take place online or in person.

Subject to a successful interview, the reports and other notarised documents provided to the College will be reviewed in order to verify prior learning. In the event that additional information is required as part of the review of school reports, independent test results, letters of reference, independent or external due diligence may be undertaken to verify prior learning or otherwise will be assessed by a registered Wesley teacher.

During this interview, the student's suitability to enrol at the College will be assessed.

Enrolment Criteria

The College considers a range of criteria when making enrolment offers, including but not limited to:

  • children with siblings already attending the College
  • children or grandchildren of Old Wesley Collegians (OWs)
  • gender balance of each year level
  • interests and activities of the student
  • children of permanent staff members
  • academic performance and school reports for students seeking entry to the Senior School (Years 10-12)
  • applications for boarding
  • number of students in a class and year level and number of classes per year level
  • College resourcing, facilities and staffing model
  • date of application
  • genuine student aspiration for an applicant who intends to derive value from the course of study at the College
Offer of Enrolment

Successful applicants will receive a formal offer of enrolment in writing, that may be subject to conditions outlined in the offer letter such as satisfactory completion of a Wesley-approved English language preparation or ELICOS course (EAL students only).

To accept the offer of enrolment, families must return a completed Acceptance of Offer form and pay the following fees by the due date:

  • a non-refundable and non-transferable $1,500 confirmation fee
  • a deposit equivalent to the annual international tuition fee which is refundable with conditions.

Once confirmation fees and documentation are received, the College will issue a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and Confirmation of Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) (if applicable). These documents are required to obtain a student visa.  If payment is not received by the due date, the offer may be withdrawn.

International student enrolment terms and conditions

Application process

To apply for a place at Wesley College, the following must be submitted:

  • application for Enrolment form
  • non-refundable Application Fee
  • notarised copy of the student’s most recent school report (original and translated); students applying to enter a specific year level must have successfully completed the year prior to entry or equivalent
  • copy of the student’s Birth Certificate or Passport
  • results of Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS) assessment*

* All students applying for a place at Wesley College who do not have English as their first language are required to sit an AEAS assessment test.

This test can be completed either in Australia or in the student’s country of origin. To view AEAS test venues and dates, please contact:

AEAS (Australian Education Assessment Services) 
Tel: + 61 3 9645 0077
Email: admin@aeas.com.au

When the College has received the required application documentation, the application will be reviewed by the International Admissions Manager, Head of School (or delegate), Head of Boarding (if applicable) and Head of English Language Preparation Program.


Selected students who satisfy the College entry requirements may be invited to attend an interview with the Head of School (or delegate), Head of Boarding (if applicable) and Head of the English Language Preparation Program (if applicable) prior to a letter of offer being issued. This interview may take place online or in person.

During this interview, the Head of School (or delegate) will confirm the student’s suitability to enrol at the College.

Offer of enrolment

If the application is successful, a formal offer of enrolment will be made in writing and may be subject to conditions as outlined in your letter. These conditions may include satisfactory completion of a College-approved English language preparation or ELICOS course (EAL students only).

To accept this offer, the tuition fees and other costs as outlined in the offer of enrolment must be paid by the due date, and all documentation in the offer returned to Wesley College to confirm the student’s enrolment. If payment is not received by the due date, along with all required documentation, the offer may be withdrawn.

On receipt of the tuition fees, the College will issue a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) and if Wesley College is accepting responsibility for the students Welfare and Accommodation, a Confirmation of Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) document will be issued. These are required to obtain a student visa.

Before issuing a CAAW letter, the College will ensure that the student will be at least 13 years of age. Students under 13 years of age must live with a Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved guardian.

Where the College has issued a CAAW letter accepting responsibility for approving the accommodation and general welfare of a student under the age of 18, the College will not delegate, outsource or contract out this responsibility.

Wesley College requires that all students, irrespective of age, either lives with a Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved guardian, or in Wesley's Learning in Residence (Boarding) or with a family pre-approved by the College (only in exceptional circumstances).

If a student defers enrolment or is suspended by the College, this may impact upon the student visa end date. The College will review a request to defer, even if that is the result of a delay in the receipt of visa for a student prior to commencement. The College will review the Confirmation of Enrolment and reissue or cancel accordingly.

Any student who indicates their intention to transfer to another education provider must do so in accordance with the relevant Withdrawal Policy.

If any student who fails to meet the condition(s) of their offer, the offered place may be withdrawn, and the student required to find another school.

English Language Preparation Program (ELPP)

Students applying for a place at Wesley College who do not have English as their first language may be required to attend an English preparation course in accordance with the letter of offer. The AEAS test results will recommend the minimum length of time required to improve a student’s English level to be competent in the desired year level. Students must attain a satisfactory level of English to ensure they have a good understanding of the language used in the mainstream courses studied at the College.

Academic performance and progress

It is important that the student maintains an excellent academic performance and attendance in the ELPP or ELICOS program to ensure readiness for entry to mainstream schooling at Wesley College.

Fees and Charges

Students will be billed for additional charges upon commencement and charges will be pro rata if the student does not commence at the beginning of the school year. These include:

  • Consolidated Charge
  • Infrastructure Levy
  • International Student Levy
  • Residential boarding fees (if applicable)

Please refer to the International: Wesley College Fees and Expenses - International Students document.

Family discounts

At Wesley, coeducation is central to our vision for learning, as is our commitment to keeping children in one family together.

A family discount applies to Tuition Fees only, where three or more children are at Wesley College, and the discount is 20% for the third child and 50% for the fourth and any subsequent children. A 10% discount for a second child is also available when a third child has commenced and enrolments are concurrent.

If you are eligible for the discount, it is automatically applied to your account. The family discount does not apply to the Consolidated Charge, Learning Technology Fee or any other fees and charges that are billed to your account. Families who have been granted other forms of fees assistance will not be entitled to family discounts.

Early payment discount

A 2.5% early payment discount may be available if you pay the full year’s Tuition Fees in advance. Some conditions apply. For further information, contact Admissions or the College Accounts Department.

Notice of Withdrawal

International students are restricted from transferring from Wesley College to another education provider for a period of six months from commencement.

After this initial six-month period, one full term’s notice in writing to the Head of Campus is required, advising the withdrawal of a student from the College, otherwise a charge equivalent to one term’s fees will apply. For year-end leavers, this means that notice is required by the end of Term 3. If the required notice is not received, a fee equivalent to one term’s fees will be payable. This procedure also applies to requests of withdrawal from Learning in Residence (Boarding).


Application and Confirmation Fees are not refundable if a student application is cancelled.

Application and Confirmation Fees, Health Insurance and Tuition Fees are refundable in full if a visa application is rejected.

A Cancellation Fee of $1,000 will be charged if the student cancels less than 30 days before the proposed commencement date.

After commencement at the College, and where a term’s notice of withdrawal is not given, a penalty equivalent to one term’s fees will apply.

All refunds will be made in Australian dollars, payable to the party making the original payment.

The College will consider the reasons for cancellation or withdrawal of a student in the operation of the refund policy.

This agreement does not remove the right to take further action to collect fees under Australia’s consumer protection laws.

To claim a refund, the student must notify the Admissions Office in writing of their intention to cancel enrolment and claim a refund. The letter must provide the Admissions Office with payment details including a nominated recipient and account details or preference for a cheque to be drawn. After the Admissions Office has received a request, the refund will be processed and finalised within four weeks of this date.

Cost of living

It is estimated that each student will require approximately AU$100 - AU$150 to cover mobile phones, public transport and items such as haircuts, clothing, and entertainment.

Further costs will be incurred for the purchase of a uniform (approximately AUD$600-AUD$1,000), books and stationery (approximately AUD$500), and any sports equipment required.

Local Support Person

While the College has responsibility for international students, in order to assist us to oversee student’s welfare, we require that each overseas student, irrespective of age, has a person appointed as Local Support Person, who is living in Melbourne.

The Local Support Person must be approved by the College and may be appointed by the parent(s) or the College. They provide support to the student during their time at the school. They should be a mature adult, and should act as necessary in such matters as discipline, attendance, academic progress and accommodation for the student. A Local Support Person should attend school functions that would usually be attended by a parent, such as information evenings or student review meetings and parent-teacher interviews.

With the parents, the Local Support Person should oversee student’s travel between their home country and their accommodation in Australia. A Local Support Person should assist the student moving to new accommodation and monitor the student’s activities during weekends and holiday periods. We do not recommend that students sign long-term agreements with a guardianship agency prior to commencing at Wesley College.

A Local Support Person is required to:

  • be 25 years or over
  • live in metropolitan Melbourne
  • be contactable by both email and phone 7 days/week
  • be committed to providing ongoing and regular support to the student
  • nominate a school approved replacement person if they are going to be away for an extended period of time
  • obtain a Working with Children Check (WWCC) and Victorian Police Check, provide proof of identity and suitable references, and complete annual Child Safe training
Welfare and accommodation arrangements

In accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act, the National Code of Practice 2018 and the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) Guidelines for the Enrolment of Overseas Students Aged Under 18 Years, Wesley College is responsible for the welfare and accommodation arrangements of students studying at the College on a student visa for the entire period the student is enrolled at the school.

As a condition of the student visa, students under 18 years of age are required to have suitable accommodation and welfare arrangements and these must be approved by the College.

Students accompanied by a Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved guardian staying in Australia on a Guardian visa do not require approval for accommodation arrangements. All students under 13 years of age must live with a parent(s) or DHA approved guardian.

Wesley College requires that students, irrespective of age, either live with a Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved guardian, or in Wesley’s Learning in Residence (Boarding) or with a family pre-approved by the College (only in exceptional circumstances) in a Homestay arrangement.

Students are obliged to notify the College of any change of address while enrolled at the school.

Where the College has approved the students’ welfare and accommodation arrangements and issued a CAAW letter, the student must seek both the College’s and their parent’s prior approval for any change to welfare and accommodation arrangements.

During term, no student issued a CAAW letter under the age of 18 years is permitted on overnight stays unless they have parental approval. During term breaks, international students residing in Learning in Residence must return home to their parents, or stay with their Local Support Person.

Health and Wellbeing

Students who have been suffering from a notifiable infectious disease, or who have been in contact with anyone so suffering, must not return without a statement from their doctor stating that they are free from infection.

Medical History

A medical history form must be completed and returned prior to a student’s initial interview with the Head of School. This information must be updated annually.


The Australian Government requires that all international students applying for student visas must have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire period of their study in Australia. Please refer to the Department of Home Affairs website https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au for all relevant information. It is the responsibility of applicants to purchase OSHC prior to commencing the online visa application.

Wesley College prides itself on being a school with a caring environment, a factor which is particularly important for international students where there is no immediate family support system. The school has clear guidelines in relation to the selection and care of international students, thus ensuring their happiness and success while at Wesley College.

Pastoral care program

Pastoral care – or the personal, social and academic wellbeing of each student – is regarded as extremely important at Wesley College. Accordingly, there exists a carefully coordinated administrative structure to provide counsel and support. Apart from the Head of Campus and the Heads of School, there are the Campus Chaplains, the School Counsellors, Year Level Coordinators and Homeroom teachers or tutors, all of whom are involved in helping students grow and develop, and cope with the various stages on their road to adulthood. In addition, the International Student Coordinator takes care of the specific needs, both academic and personal, of students who are living away from home.

A number of people take responsibility for caring for international students and act as required:

International Student Coordinator(s)

Pastoral care, academic progress

Homeroom Teacher/Tutor

Integration issues

College Head of Finance

Financial matters

Careers Adviser, Curriculum Coordinator

Any subject choice/career/ tertiary entrance queries etc

Head of Boarding/LiR and Boarding/LiR staff

For all boarding / LiR matters and in consultation with other roles in the College

Head of School
Head of Campus

Student grievances are handled by the School Counsellors, Head of School and final responsibility for resolution of any student grievance rests with the Head of Campus

At Wesley College, the pastoral care structure ensures that there are few discipline problems, chiefly because frequent contact, friendly relationships, good communication and a climate of trust prevent minor matters from developing into major concerns.

The College firmly believes in working together with parents/primary carers to ensure that students in difficulty are identified and helped, and hence regular contact with parents/primary carers is a vital aspect of the pastoral care system.

There are information evenings concerning subject choice, tertiary selection, careers and other topics as appropriate. Advice on careers and tertiary courses is always available from the school counsellors and careers advisers.

The pastoral care program of the College is such that it embraces the care of the individual student with special needs and utilises the services of its trained Special Education staff and other teaching staff in organising and reviewing individual programs designed to encourage students in the development of skills and self-esteem. School assemblies and chapel services, as well as the overall school climate, serve to present to students the ethos, expectations and moral and spiritual values of the College.

The College will seek to provide appropriate care for all international students attending the College.

Student expectations

Wesley College students are expected to use their common sense at all times. They are regarded as being under College discipline when they are on campus or at any official College function, or when they are wearing the College uniform or part thereof.

It is an obligation of all students of the College not to infringe the rights of others, nor bring discredit through their actions on themselves or the College.

General rules
  • It is a condition of the enrolment of a student at Wesley College that the parent(s)/primary carer, on their own behalf and on behalf of the student, are aware of the content of the College rules and have agreed to abide by them
  • Wesley College, through the Principal, retains the right to discipline, suspend or dismiss from the College, any student on the grounds of the student’s unsatisfactory conduct or performance, or failure to observe any College rule
  • No student may leave the campus between morning arrival and the afternoon dismissal without special permission
  • No student may drink intoxicating liquor, smoke, gamble, or have any dealings with addictive drugs while under College discipline (please refer to the Wesley College Drug Education and Support Program Policy)
  • Students must not engage in any action which endangers life, limb or property
  • Students’ lockers and bags may be searched by Wesley staff at any time, in the relevant student’s presence
  • A note sent by the parent or primary carer is required to excuse a student for absence, lateness, or non-preparation of work
  • If a student knows that he or she will be absent or late or will need leave for part of the day, e.g. to attend a medical appointment, a note should be brought from home or written in the record book requesting prior permission
  • Students must attend all subjects and periods timetabled for them
  • Students are not permitted to buy or sell books, clothing or any other articles among themselves without permission
  • Students are not permitted to ride motor-cycles or scooters while travelling to or from school or any official school function
  • Students may ride bicycles to school provided they have permission from the Head of School and provided they wear protective headgear. Such permission will only be given following a written request, signed by a parent or primary carer, that outlines the route to be followed. Because of the dangers arising from road traffic, parent/primary carers are advised not to send children to St Kilda Road Campus on bicycle
  • Students who wish to drive a car to school or students who wish to travel to school as a passenger in a car driven by another student must first seek permission from the Head of Campus. No parking is available on campus for students
  • Students must familiarise themselves with, and adhere to, College policies which may apply from time to time, such as the Anti-Harassment Policy.
Personal belongings

Students (and their parent(s)/primary carers) are advised that responsibility for the care of personal property, including notebook computers, belongs to the student and that the College cannot assume responsibility for equipment which has been damaged, lost or stolen. Teachers will do their best to assist students in the care of their property, and to assist with this, it is essential that all equipment and clothing is clearly named. Valuable property, which is not needed at school, such as personal electronic devices, should not be brought to school.

It is expected that all students will show respect for the property of others, including the property of the College itself. Students who wilfully contribute to the damage or loss of another’s property may be asked to contribute to the cost of replacing that property. Theft is a crime, and students who are guilty of theft may be suspended or dismissed from the College.

In the interests of safety and hygiene, and to prevent damage to the buildings or interference with the rights of others, certain areas of the school have a restricted use. Students are not permitted in such areas without prior permission.

Notebook computers

Wesley College provides notebook computers to students in Years 5–12 as part of the normal educational offering. With the rapid change to computer technology, it is the College’s view that this scheme is the most practical method to ensure that students continually have access to information technology appropriate to the expected learning outcomes appropriate to the level of schooling. Participation in the scheme is compulsory and forms an integral part of the curriculum of the College.

  • A Notebook Usage Agreement must be signed by the student and their parents/primary carers prior to collection of the notebook computer
  • All notebooks issued to students are covered by an insurance policy against the risk of accidental damage and theft
  • Notebooks are provided on a lease basis, for the time a student is at Wesley College
Complaints and appeals policy

The purpose of Wesley College’s Complaints and Appeals Policy is to provide a student or parent(s)/legal guardian with the opportunity to access procedures to facilitate the resolution of a dispute or complaint. These internal procedures are a conciliatory and non-legal process.

  • In the first instance, the College requests there is an attempt to informally resolve the issue. If this is unsatisfactory or does not result in a resolution of the matter, the College’s internal formal complaints handling procedure will be followed.
  • The process of this grievance procedure is confidential and any complaints are a matter between the parties concerned and those directly involved in the complaints handling process.
  • If the student or parent(s)/legal guardian remains dissatisfied with the outcome, the College will advise of access to an independent external appeals process.
  • Grievances brought by a student against another student will be dealt with under the College’s Behaviour Policy/Code of Conduct.
  • For conditions which apply to the handling of a complaint or appeal arising from the College’s suspension or cancellation of a student’s studies, please refer to the College’s Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Policy.
Use of personal information

Information is collected during your enrolment in order to meet our obligations under the ESOS Act and the National Code 2018, to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian immigration laws. The authority to collect this information is contained in the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018. Information collected about you on this form and during your enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Assurance Scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager.

In other instances, information collected on this form or during your enrolment can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law. In signing the enrolment form, the student and parents agree that Wesley College has the right to contact and send information to the parent(s) concerning their child even after the student is 18 years of age.

International Relocation Agents

Wesley College formally appoints international education and relocation agents to assist families in completing enrolment applications to the College. An approved agent may undertake recruitment activities on behalf of the College. A commission or fee is generally paid to an agent for a successful placement generally once a student has commenced and completed a minimum number of terms at the College.

Breach of this policy

A breach of this policy may result in the College taking disciplinary or other action against a Stakeholder and will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

If you break the law, you may be personally liable. Legal action may also be taken against a user by the College or a third party.

Related Policies

Related Legislation

  • Australian Education Act 2013 (Cth)
  • Australian Education Regulations 2013 (Cth)
  • Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic)
  • Child Safe Standards 2022 (Vic)
  • Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic)
  • Child Safe Standards Victoria 2017 (Vic)
  • Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic)
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)
  • Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cth)
  • Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic)
  • Education and Training Reform Regulations 2007 (Vic)
  • Education for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act)
  • Enhancing Online Safety for Children Act 2015
  • Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
  • National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (Cth)
  • Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
  • Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) Minimum Standards (Vic)